Hello, 11th Grade Parents Class of 2020!
Welcome to the Parent letter for Juniors. How time flies and I cannot believe our kids are juniors! I understand that the junior year at AHS can be more challenging and stressful to some students. It’s also true that it’s a year where students really begin to thrive, where they get to explore their passions for what they aspire to through LINK Internships and where they stretch and grow into more independence.
Here is a peek into “What’s Happening” in your students core classes, advisories, career, link internship and college prep information.
Core Classes: A summary of activities and lessons are listed under each class below.
Please click on the links to access teachers digital portfolio. DP’s can be an amazing resource for students and parents and can be used for finding homework, understand what a teacher is looking for and what’s coming up.
- Humanities and Social Studies
Sara Price DP http://saraprice.weebly.com/
The first project of the year, Labor in America, is up and running. This project, a project aimed at understanding the challenges in current and future labor issues, is first digging into the history of labor issues in order to develop and framework of solutions. We have spent two weeks learning historical thinking skills and using these skills to understand primary source documents from the early 20th century. This will culminate in an in-class timed writing piece on September 28th. From there we jump into current labor issues in our community and around the world. The outcome of this inquiry, in addition to investigating the impact automated work will have on work and labor, will be to develop a podcast using our journalistic skills and culminating in an exhibition designed by the students for the community. Students will need to get out in the community to interview workers and employers in our community in order to bring the depth of journalism needed to their projects. If you, the parents, have any ideas you would like to contribute to this goal please email me and let me know. And as always thank you for your support and commitment to our school!!
Jessica Mccullim DP http://jessicaahs11.blogspot.com/
Jessica’s first junior Humanities project is a deep dive into American ideology through the lens of rhetoric. A detailed description of the project can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13v1RKdvEAsleHcy6sEQgR9dykG5itM-0jSaMrgpbE7U/edit The project asks students to look closely at where their own political beliefs come from and also where the beliefs of the “other side” come from. Each student will craft original rhetorical discourse that shows a nuanced understanding of the complexity of the issues and demonstrates a consideration for what both “sides” might value. (In the study of rhetoric, we call this “Rogerian argumentation”). They will be examining a diversity of perspectives on American political issues and will ultimately be required to interview people “across the aisle.” In mid-October, we will also be hearing from two different panels, one conservative/right-leaning, the other liberal/left-leaning. If any parents are interested in being panelists, please contact Jessica to express this interest. To be clear, they happen on different days; it is not a debate in any way! These panels have historically been instrumental in helping students understand the value systems driving political ideology in America. We will also be doing some training in nonviolent communication with a local expert in the field. It is possible that your children will be coming home with questions and new ideas; please share with them as much as possible about why you believe what you believe about politics in America.This project can be pretty heavy at times, so don’t hesitate to reach out to Jessica with concerns and questions. Ultimately the goal of the project is civic training for democracy and learning to communicate effectively across the aisle in order to restore hope for democracy in a politically divided historical moment.
Chemistry Steve Smith DP https://sites.google.com/site/chemistryorigahsstevesmith/home
Thus far students have learned that chemists think in three realms: the symbolic, particulate and macroscopic. Students have practiced thinking like chemists by representing in-class demonstrations in each of these realms. Students have also established the foundational definitions and an understanding of the particle model of matter that will be built upon throughout the course. On Friday the 21st students completed their first laboratory experience at Fort Lewis College. In this lab the students were given a mixture of known substances in an unknown ratio and asked to separate the mixture into its components using physical properties of the substance like density or solubility and then to determine the percent of each substance in the mixture. The write-up for this lab will be the students’ first major assignment in chemistry. We will be returning to the lab again on October 12 to investigate the structure of the atom through flame spectroscopy.
Math – Lauren Lucky DP https://laurenluckyahs.webs.com/
Math 3 students are finishing up their first unit, Orchard Hideout, in the next two weeks. We have derived all the geometric formulas necessary to solve the unit problem and now need to put them to work. After we solve this students will take the unit test and put together a portfolio of work from the Orchard Hideout unit. We are also currently working on our 3rd problem of the week which is due October 1st. All POW’s are on my DP and I have lots of parents that like to work on them too.
Advisory Happenings:
You should have received an email from your student’s advisor in mid-September checking in and sharing information about our Advisory program. If you did not hear from your student’s advisor, please reach out to him or her. Hopefully you also received an email from your student during the first monthly Advisory Grade Check on September 26. In October, advisory activities will include college counseling, an activity where sophomores and juniors get to know each other better and the next Grade Check, on October 24. On October 31, we will use Advisory for an All School Pumpkin Carving Contest!
Career and College Prep: Jess Adams
DP https://collegepreparationanimashighschool.weebly.com/
Juniors worked with Jess on learning about college terminology and testing for college during their FLC Lab Day. Juniors should bookmark Jess’ DP and use it as a resource to access the information provided during their college pre days. Additionally, parents and student should mark their calendars and plan to attend the Junior/Parent College Night at Animas High School on Wednesday, October 10th from 5:30-7:30pm
Link Internship Janae Hunderman
DP https://ahsinternships.weebly.com/
Special Events:
Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) are on Wednesday, October 17. You will receive an email soon with a link that allows you to sign up for a time slot that afternoon/evening that works for your family. Please remember that SLCs are mandatory for all students and require professional dress.
How You Can Support Your Student this Month:
With the added stress of junior year perhaps providing some extra support by asking questions and checking in with your student on a regular basis could prove beneficial.
What Would You Like to Know?
- What else do you want to know?
- Would you like to meet more parents and grow connection? Are you new to AHS?
- Do you have a thought or suggestion on how we can support our students?
I’d love to hear from you, please let me know if you enjoy getting this parent letter. Have a great day and thank you for being part of the AHS community.
Bev Vaughn :: Class of 2020 Parent Liaison:: Animas High School
[email protected]