Animas High School Building Corporation Board of Directors
Jeff King – President
Steve Smith – Treasurer
Elise Savastano – Secretary
Sean Woytek – Head of School
Animas High School
Deliver 1 electronic copy via email + 5 Original Copies to: Sean Woytek, Head of School
Animas High School P.O. Box 3496, Durango, Colorado 81302
Phone (970) 247-2474
[email protected]
All official communication with candidates and questions regarding this RFQ/P will be via email to the Owner Contact listed above. No inquiries will be accepted after the clarification deadline as indicated in the project schedule.
All Candidate inquiries will be responded to at the same time after the “Clarification Deadline”. Responses to clarification will be made available on the Owner website where the RFQ/P is posted. Candidates should not rely on any other statements, either written or oral, that alter any specification or other term or condition of the RFQ/P during the open solicitation period. Candidates should not contact any team members or any individual associated with the Owner regarding this RFQ or this project.

RFQ/P Available 10/5/18
OPTIONAL Site Visit***       10/11/18
RFQ/P Clarification Deadline 10/11/18
RFQ/P Clarification Responses from Owner 10/15/18
RFQ/P Responses due 10/17/18
Interview Invitations sent to Short-Listed Candidates 10/19/18

The following dates are tentative and will be confirmed later based on availability of selection team members:
On-site interviews                                                                               10/29/18
Candidate Notified of Selection/Begin Contract Negotiations        10/31/18
Completion of Contract Negotiations                                               11/05/18
Decision Memorandum Sent to Unsuccessful Candidates              11/06/18
Notice to Proceed Given to Successful Firm                                     11/07/18
Master Plan Complete                                                                        01/31/19
***Please RSVP to Sean Woytek at  [email protected] if you plan to attend. The visit is strictly optional and will not be considered in evaluating proposals.  The visit is scheduled from 12-3pm on 10/18/2018


Owner Background
Animas High School, located in Durango, Colorado is a project-based learning high school with enrollment of 250 to 300 students annually. The mission of Animas High School is to prepare all students for college and postsecondary success by creating critical thinkers and engaged citizens through an innovative, student-centered, project-based curriculum. The school has completed a master plan in 2012 and 2015. Those plans were used to guide the development of BEST grant applications. The school will be pursuing a grant from the Colorado State BEST program in either 2019 or 2020 for a new, permanent facility.
Project Description
The school requires the assistance of outside experts in the preparation of a comprehensive facility master plan to ensure that facilities meet the educational and support service needs of the school into the future. The last comprehensive plan was updated in 2015 and is available for review through an email request. The school has recently completed a community values process and has an updated strategic plan. The results of these processes will drive the school’s educational program for the foreseeable future and will provide important input into the development of the facility master plan.
Facilities Included in the Scope of Services:
Animas High School
271 Twin Buttes Avenue
Durango, Colorado 81301
The updated facility master plan will address both the short-term and long-term facility needs of the school taking into account the school’s educational goals as provided for in the School’s mission, vision, values, habits of heart and mind, and strategic plan documents, stakeholder input, current and projected future enrollment and related facility capacities, and conditions of current facilities. The master plan will prioritize needed improvements to assist the school in developing capital plans and implementing recommended strategies for completing proposed projects.


Organize your RFQ/P response using the following outline. Please separate each section with dividers or tabs using the appropriate section labels. No fees shall be included in the RFQ Submittal.
A maximum two-page letter of interest that includes a synopsis of the firm, business principals, distinguishing characteristics, approach to completing this project, primary contact information, and is signed by the principal-in-charge.
Please address each criterion listed below as it relates to your firm’s relevant experience and qualifications.

  1. Identify the individual who will be the main point of contact and the team responsible for providing services for the duration of the project. Consultant shall not change or substitute these individuals without prior approval. The Owner reserves the right to determine the acceptability of these individuals.
  2. Provide all team members experience, background, and responsibilities including resumes.
  3. Describe your firm’s past experience with master planning and educational programming. Experience in working with the BEST program is desired but is not required.
  4. Provide your firm’s project organization structure and responsibilities.
  5. According to your firm, what is the value of a master plan and what is it used for?
  6. Describe your approach to integrating multiple sources of information about an Owner’s facilities and community into the master plan.
  7. Show your ability/approach to organize, develop and maintain project schedules and meet deadlines.
  8. Identify master plans your firm has completed with a similar size and scope to the proposed project in the past five years.
  9. Demonstrate experience in understanding and analyzing school operations, school programs, enrollment projections and demographic data.
  10. Knowledge of LEED & CO-CHPS criteria and program requirements.
  11. Understanding of the Owner, its organization and leadership.
  12. Demonstrate knowledge of current local, state, and federal laws as it applies to school buildings and construction. This includes but is not limited to building codes, fire codes, health codes and ADA requirements.
  13. Demonstrate knowledge of construction materials, means and methods with new construction projects and the ability to apply accurate construction cost budgeting to design.
  14. Identify any other unique challenges/approaches that you have experienced that will assist the Owner with developing a successful master plan and ultimately successfully implement the master plan.
  15. Based on your current workforce and staffing, in addition to the number of projects your firm currently has under contract or in negotiation, does your firm have the capacity to complete this project? What percentage of your firm is currently involved in other projects?
  16. This project requires the Candidate to carry, at a minimum, general liability insurance and workers compensation according to State laws.

The Candidate chosen will be expected to develop a master plan for a new school facility to meet the school’s current and future needs through a team effort involving school administration, staff, school board members, students, community members, and professional consultants with disciplines in education, planning, programming, architecture, engineering, construction, facility management, facility operations, and technology. The master plan should be aligned with Animas High School’s mission, values, educational model, and strategic plan and should explore a variety of options based on a thorough assessment of stakeholder input and possible facility sites, as provided by AHSBC. Based on Animas High School’s intent to seek funding through the BEST grant and other sources of funding, the following delineation will formulate the scope of the master plan.

  • Facilities Master Planning Services

Outline the complete a scope of services, to include three categories:  Minimum Services, Additional Services Desired by the Owner, and Additional Scope Offered by Candidate
By submitting a response and proposal to this RFP/Q, candidates are agreeing to provide all services associated with the development of the Master Plan deliverable described. In general, these services may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Facilitating Community/Committee Meetings to gather information and seek input;
  2. Performing Facilities Assessments and comparing findings with the CDE Statewide Facility Assessment;
  3. Performing SF, program, and classroom utilization studies to discover and correct inefficiencies;
  4. Assisting Owner and Owner’s committees with analyzing information and/or generating options;
  5. Developing multiple options for consideration, and providing adequate information for analysis;
  6. Assisting Owner in prioritizing potential capital projects toward build-out of selected option,
  7. Completing and publishing the Master Plan document as described in deliverable.

Please provide a separate narrative description of your approach to the scope requested, describing quantity and types of proposed meetings, site visits, unique methodologies, etc.  Additional services or scope may be proposed and identified; however, fees for these services should be identified as a line item in the fee proposal for consideration. Any exclusions from services or deliverables described must be explicitly identified in the submittal.

  1.   ADD ALTERNATE #1 – Grant Application Support Services

In the event that the master planning process results in the Owner proceeding with a BEST Grant application, the Owner may request assistance with preparation of a BEST grant application. These grant assistance services may include but are not limited to:

  1. Ensuring that all costs (hard, soft, and owner) and scope are included in grant application;
  2. Ongoing communication with the Owner;
  3. Coordination of and attendance at meetings as needed and requested (via conference call if possible);
  4. Reviewing BEST application requirements and familiarization with BEST grant information from CDE website;
  5. Assistance with updating the Owner’s CDE Facility Assessment through review comments;
  6. Communication and cooperation with CDE staff as needed;
  7. Preparing the BEST grant application including scope narrative for final Owner approval;
  8. Preparing LEED and/or CO-CHPS scorecard and narrative;
  9. Providing additional information required for CDE to complete the analysis of the grant application;
  10. Acting as a liaison for the Owner for CDE follow-up grant questions;
  11. Other duties as required;

If the Candidate is interested in providing add alternate #1, please provide a narrative expressing your firm’s interest and capacity to complete this scope as presented.

  1.   ADD ALTERNATE #2 – Funding Alternatives Support Services

In the event that the master planning process results in a successfully awarded BEST project OR the Owner participates in other funding alternatives, the Owner may request the following additional services:

  1. Assistance with providing the Owner with graphic images of conceptual design for stakeholders
  2. Attendance at stakeholder meetings
  3. Attendance on conference calls, answering questions regarding the project, and providing the Owner with information as needed to prepare and communicate the project to stakeholders

If the Candidate is interested in providing add alternate #2, please provide a narrative expressing your firm’s interest and capacity to complete this scope as presented.
It is expected that your firm has the current capabilities and capacity to complete the master plan by the date listed in the project schedule. Provide a detailed master plan schedule, including milestones, from the notice to proceed date to the completion of the master plan. Provide reasoning, in this section, for any modifications or alterations your firm wishes to make to the recommended project schedule.
Provide a comprehensive list of ALL school projects completed or begun within the last 5 years, with contact information, along with a project description. Identify in the reference list which projects this team has performed collectively. The Owner reserves the right to check additional references beyond those provided in the submittal.

  • Include in the list whether the project applied for/received BEST grant funding.
  • Include whether public funding was sought/received during the master planning of project.



The selection process consists of two phases, followed by negotiations with the apparent winner.
Phase 1 – RFQ Review
The Owner’s Selection Committee will evaluate and score the RFQ/P submittals based on the selection criteria listed below:

Selection Criteria Max Points
Section 1: Letter of Interest.  How complete and concise was the letter of interest and RFQ/P response? Was the RFQ/P well organized, with complete information responding to all of the submittal criteria? 5
Section 2: Experience and Qualifications. Provided a comprehensive and insightful experience and qualifications package which highlighted key personnel in addition to other items as stated. 30 points
Section 3: Scope of Services. Candidate has affirmed each of the Owners requirements for this project and demonstrates a clear understanding of Owner’s needs and clear direction toward completing scope of work. 30 points
Section 4: Schedule. Ability to complete the planning tasks within the timeframe needed. Submitted complete & understandable schedule. 25 points
Section 5: References. Candidate has provided a comprehensive project list with contact information for projects completed over the last five years. 10
Total Points 100 points

Phase 2 – Interview
An interview invitation will be sent out to up to three Shortlisted Candidates with the highest RFQ/P submittal scores on the date noted in the project schedule. The invitation will explain the interview requirements and provide the time and location. The purpose of the interview is to ensure a full understanding of the RFQ/P responses and to introduce key members of the master plan team.
The interviews will consist of a short presentation by the Candidate  followed by a longer period for questions and answers. During the short presentation, the lead consultant for the project should be identified along with members of the master planning team. Please note that team members who will not be directly working on the project are not invited to the oral interviews.
The apparent winner will be determined based on their interview score, which is separate from their RFQ/P submittal score.


Shortlisted Candidates shall prepare a detailed fee proposal as outlined below. The fee proposal is to be submitted in a sealed envelope prior to the start of their interview. Failure to provide a fee proposal which addresses each of the items listed below may result in disqualification from the RFQ/P process.
Detailed fee proposals shall include the following:

  • Lump sum fee;
  • Statement of work;
  • Confirmation that all scope items from the original RFQ/P will be addressed;
  • Any exclusions with explanations;
  • number of hours;
  • number of people;
  • Other resources;
  • How the resources are to be used;
  • Breakout of anticipated reimbursable expenses included in the fee proposal;
  • Hourly rates for all personnel involved in the project;
  • Number of site visits anticipated to complete the work;
  • Breakout of fees for any non-required scope proposed;
  • Pricing for add alternate #1 – Grant Application Support Services*
  • Pricing for add alternate #2 – Funding Alternatives Support Services*

*Note: Both add alternate #1 and add alternate #2 are to be considered optional for the Owner. Provide a separate fee for each of these services independent of your master plan fee.
The negotiated fee is anticipated to include all costs including reimbursable expenses for the project resulting in a “not to exceed” format contract.
Only the fee proposal of the apparent winner will be revealed to the selection committee.
If the apparent winner’s fee exceeds the Owner’s budget and if subsequent negotiations with the apparent winner are unsuccessful, the Owner reserves the right to negotiate with the next highest- scoring Candidate.
After the final selection has been made, the Owner will provide a summary of scores and a decision memorandum to each of the RFQ/P Candidates.
The Owner reserves the right to select any or reject any and all proposals in their best interest. The Owner also reserves the right to pre-qualify any or all Candidates or reject any or all Candidates as unqualified, including without limitation the right to reject any or all non-conforming, nonresponsive unbalanced, or conditional, qualifications. The Owner also reserves the right to re-solicit, waive all informalities not involving price, time, or changes in the work, and to negotiate contract terms with the apparent successful proposer.
The Owner is not responsible for cost incurred in preparation of this proposal. Proposals will not be returned and become the property of the Owner once submitted. By submitting a proposal all Candidates agree to the terms and conditions of this RFQ/P and the RFO/P will become part of the awarded Candidates contract. The apparent winner will be responsible for submitting a draft agreement to be used for this project. The Owner and the Owner’s legal council will review the agreement and negotiate terms prior to commencement of work.
If the master planning process results in a decision to move forward on a capital project, the Owner will complete a separate competitive selection process to select the design and construction team for that project.
The following are to be utilized by the master planner for reference in developing a master plan:

  1.   Capital Construction Assistance Public Schools Facility Construction Guidelines. Master Planner to reference this document as a guideline during the master planning process.
  2.   Summary of SB 07-51 re: High Performance Requirements. These requirements apply to building projects receiving 25% or more of state funding.
  3.   Public School Facilities Master Plan Guidelines from CDE’s Division of Public School Capital Construction Assistance. This document represents the Owner’s minimum expectations for the deliverables and associated scope of the master plan.
  4.   Statewide Facilities Assessment is to be utilized and built upon in the assessment portion of the master plan.