All AHS families should complete the AHS Meal Benefit Application even if they believe they will not qualify. At AHS, we support families who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch in a variety of ways:

Food Assistance

  • Students who qualify may order one lunch per day through the AHS website at no cost or reduced cost ($4).
  • We provide free breakfast and sack lunches.

Fee Waivers

  • Your family will not be responsible for paying the annual Technology Fee  or course fees associated with any academic class.
  • The fee for Summer School online courses is reduced for students who receive free or reduced lunch.

College Application Assistance

  • Our college counselor will help  students who qualify receive fee waivers for both the ACT and SAT exams, college application fees and college deposit fees
  • The college counselor will recommend specific scholarship and summer programs to students who qualify.
  • Students should never pay for anything related to college before checking with the college counselor.


  • Qualifying students can receive a transit sticker from our Registrar and affix it to their school ID. This allows them to ride Durango Public Transit for free for a calendar year.

We are committed to connecting families with resources beyond what we can provide at school as well. Families can always reach out to our school counselor, Erin Skyles at, if they are seeking information about access to food, housing, etc.

Medical Statement Form (English)
Medical Statement Form (Spanish)

See AHS Medication and Administration Policy to clarify which medications students can self-carry, which medications school staff must administer and how individual Care Plans work.

  • If your student will need to carry medication on campus, complete Contract to Self Carry Form here. This must be filled out by BOTH parent/guardian and physician. This form EXCLUDES controlled substances. Students may NOT carry controlled substances while on school premises. These types of medications must remain kept in the nurse’s office.
  • If your student will need AHS staff to administer medication, complete Authorization to Administer Medication at School Form here. This is for staff to have legal permission to administer medications while at school or on a field trip. This must be filled out by BOTH parent/guardian and physician. 
  • If your student has asthma, complete Asthma Care Plan here
  • If your student has allergies, complete Allergy & Anaphylaxis Care Plan here
  • If your student has seizures, complete Seizure Emergency Care Plan here
  • If your student has migraine headaches, complete Headache/Migraine Care Plan here
  • If your student has diabetes, complete Diabetes Emergency Action Care Plan here

Vaccination Records and Exemptions: Please view the Colorado Department of Education Letter for Immunization Compliance. Have a discussion with your student’s physician to make sure that all vaccines are up to date and in compliance per Colorado Department of Education requirements. If your child has no vaccination record, or is missing vaccinations for any reason, we must have a Certificate of Medical Exemption or a Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption on file at the school, filled out by your child’s primary care provider. Without this, your child will not be able to come to school. 

Thanks to our ongoing collaboration with the 9R School District, AHS students are able to ride all routes of the 9R buses to Durango High School in the morning, where they can then transfer to the Hub Bus that delivers them to AHS. The Hub Bus leaves DHS and arrives at AHS so that our students are on time for their 1st period classes. Students may also board the Hub Bus at DHS without taking a route bus beforehand. In the afternoons, the Hub Bus will leave AHS after school to transport students to DHS; students may then board another 9R bus to return home.

The Hub Bus is NOT available Monday afternoons since 9R schools have early release while AHS does not. Please be aware that on the days when 9R is not in session, neither the 9R route buses or the Hub Bus will be available.

Visit the Durango 9R Transportation webpage to learn more and to register your student. Families must re-register students each school year by completing the online Registration Form.

Students wishing to park on the AHS campus are required to fill out an AHS Parking Registration Form and display a parking sticker on their windshield. Once the form is submitted, students will receive a parking sticker from the main office. This sticker is to be placed in the top left corner of the driver’s side windshield. There is no fee to obtain an AHS parking sticker. Rules and regulations regarding student parking on AHS campus are clearly outlined in the registration form. Students must park in the student designated area.

We encourage students to consider sustainable transportation options including carpooling, biking and using the trolley. The Durango Transit fixed route system operates 7 days a week from 7am to 8:30pm, year round. The Fort Lewis College route (purple on the Durango Transit map) travels from the Transit Center at 8am to FLC at 8:08, dropping passengers off within walking distance of AHS in time to get to 1st period classes. The Fort Lewis Express route (blue on the map) leaves North City Market at 7:30am and arrives at FLC at 7:45. See full route and schedule info for more details. An annual Student Pass is $30 and those who qualify for free/reduced lunch can receive a free transit pass through the AHS main office.

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