October 20, 2015
Dear Animas High School Families,
Greetings from the Animas High School Board of Directors (BOD)! Like all of our AHS families, students and staff, the board is off to a productive and busy year. Key issues we have discussed this year are:
- Audit: The results of the AHS audit were presented to board members, and the school is in excellent financial health and has successfully resolved issues that last year’s audit identified.
- Head-of-School Goals: Sean Woytek, our head of school, presented his annual goals to the board. They center on assessment of faculty and students. Sean has already made good progress toward meeting these goals.
An important topic we have been addressing at our last several board meetings is adding a Parent-Elected Director (PED). If you, or someone you know, might be interested in serving on the board please review the job description, timeline for completing your application, mandatory meeting requirements and how the election process will be completed below.
All interested parties are encouraged to apply. This new board position is open to any person in our community; you do not have to be a parent to run.
Job Description
- This is a working board. On average board members will spend 3-6 hours per week on AHS board work.
- Board members attend monthly board meeting and key AHS events
- Expectation that each board member will chair at least one committee
Desired Qualifications
After assessing the current skill set on the Board and future priorities, these are skills that are currently most needed:
- Financials (banking, trusts)
- Facilities (planning, real estate & repair, maintenance)
- Development (fundraising, capital campaign)
The needs of the Board will change as BOD terms expire. Please don’t let these current qualifications deter you from applying if they are not your strengths.
- Monday, Nov. 2 – Applications are due at AHS by 3 p.m. (hard copies can be turned in to Laurel in main office, digital copies to Dusty Grannis at [email protected]). Your personal information (address, phone numbers & email) will be redacted and then all applications will be posted on AHS website. Please watch the website for information on how you can fully inform yourself and participate in electing AHS’ first PED.
- Wednesday, Nov. 11 – All interested candidates must attend a mandatory Board of Directors meeting for orientation. All parents are encouraged to attend the meeting as well to ask questions and hear from candidates to help in their decision-making process.
- Friday, Nov. 13 – Election ballots will be sent home with students. If you have more than one student at AHS, the ballot will be sent home with the older child. Per our bylaws every family at AHS will get one ballot.
- Monday, Dec. 7 – All ballots due by 3 pm. If they are not received by this date and time they shall not be included in the final count, which will be counted at end of day with Tiffany Parker, La Plata County Clerk and Recorder.
- Wednesday, Dec. 9 – New PED will attend board meeting and be announced
Transparency is vital to this process. The election will be entirely run by the Student Advisory Council (StAC), assisted by Ms Parker, using the same process La Plata County uses in local elections. Besides adding a Parent-Elected Director to our board this process will be a great civics lesson for our students, emphasizing the importance of elections, registering and voting.
If you have any questions or would like more information please email [email protected].
Minutes from all board meetings are available on the AHS website, and all are welcome to attend board meetings. We encourage public participation and feedback.
Animas High School Board of Directors