Dear Seniors and Families,
Many thanks to all who joined us at the Graduation Meeting last night!  We are excited to celebrate our fourth graduating class of Ospreys on Friday, May 26.  There are many important details to track, and we want to be sure that all the graduates-to-be and their families are in the loop, thus this lengthy email!  Please read it carefully and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Graduation Week Events
There are several events during the week of graduation that have become Animas traditions.  Please mark your calendar now and know that more information will be coming your way about the following:

    • Senior Celebration, Tuesday, May 23, 5:30-7:00pm–This event is an opportunity for graduates and their families to acknowledge the support we receive from our broader community; it’s a public event that helps us say thank you to all in our community who serve as guest speakers, LINK mentors, scholarship providers, etc.  This year, Senior Celebration will be held at the Rocket Grill in the FLC Student Union.  Seniors are definitely expected to attend and we will distribute caps/gowns and tickets at this event. This is also where we’ll debut the AHS Senior Celebration Book, a full-color booklet with photo, future plans and high school highlights for each graduate.  If you would like to support this event by reserving space in the booklet for your graduate’s childhood photo, or to publish words of wisdom, advice or support- please contact Tracy Toner at [email protected]. Business advertisement space is also available. Please contact Shannon Smith at [email protected].  See the attached fliers for more details.
    • Senior Supper, Thursday, May 24, 6:00-8:00pm at AHS–Senior Supper is a special evening the night before graduation that gives seniors and faculty one last time to gather together and appreciate one another.  Parents of juniors will organize and serve the dinner, which will happen on campus.  All seniors should plan to attend.


  • Graduation Rehearsal, Friday, May 26, 8:30-10am A full walk-through of the ceremony, in cap and gown.  Karen Skelly will take the class picture during rehearsal. All seniors must attend, and will be encouraged to head to Advisory Olympics in Santa Rita park when we wrap up.
  • Graduation Ceremony, Friday, May 26, 4:00-6:00pm

Ordering Invitations/Announcements, Caps and Gowns
We are working with Jostens and our sales rep is Jim Howland.  His email is [email protected] and his phone number is (970) 259-9923.
We have not designed a one-size-fits all graduation announcement for families.  If you would like to order announcements, you can design your own and order it through the Jostens website here.  Our AHS page on the Jostens website will be fully loaded with AHS logo, crest, etc. by March 15 so that you can create announcements that are specifically Animas in flavor.  Prices for announcements/invitations vary depending on your design.  They can be ordered at anytime and will be shipped directly to your home.
All AHS graduates are expected to wear a green gown, a gold sash with the school crest, a green cap and a gold and green tassel with the year on it.  The full package costs $55 and it cannot be ordered online.  To order your cap and gown, get a printed order form from Bridget at the Main Office, complete it and mail or fax it to Jim.   All cap and gown orders must be complete by Friday March 31 to guarantee delivery!
You are welcome to borrow a cap and gown from an older sibling or alumni, but you will need a new tassel.  Tassels cost $10 and should be ordered through Josten’s by completing the order form and sending payment directly to Jim Howland.  Please contact me if you are interested in borrowing a cap and gown from the school; we have a few to loan out, with the intent being that they are primarily for families with financial need.
Tickets for Graduation Ceremony
Reserved seating for families and guests of graduates will be in the lower portion of the Concert Hall, the Orchestra and Plaza sections. We are able to allocate 6 tickets in the reserved seating area to each graduate, for those who want them.  There may very well be more than 6 tickets available to your family, if other graduates don’t use all of the tickets allotted to them.
The bulk of the Balcony section of the theater will be set aside for non-ticketed, general admission audience members.  If you have additional guests wishing to attend the ceremony who are not accommodated with your reserved seating group, they will be able to sit in this section.  Please be assured that there is no such thing as a “bad” seat at the venue, and all attendees will be able to view the stage and hear the proceedings.  There is no cost for tickets, whether reserved or general admission.  Reserved tickets will be distributed to families at the Senior Celebration on May 24.
Please complete the Graduation Ticket Survey here as soon as possible but no later than April 24 to indicate the number of seats you wish to reserve and whether any members of your group require wheelchair-accessible spaces or are hearing impaired (requiring an interpreter).  After April 24, we will determine how many extra reserved tickets are available, and will let you know if you can have more than 6, if that is what you have requested.  Please be sure to respond by the 24th so that we don’t give away reserved seating that you want!
Graduation Speeches and Music
The graduation committee is working with the senior class to select faculty speakers, music and class moto.  Seniors who are interested in speaking at graduation will need to submit a written version of their speech to me by April 24.  A committee of teachers will ask potential student speakers to deliver their speeches in person and will make the final decision.
Graduation Photographs
We are working with local professional photographer Karen Skelly to offer families the opportunity to order graduation photos.  During the ceremony, Karen will take a photo of each graduate after receiving his/her diploma backstage.  In addition, she will take a class photo in the morning during graduation rehearsal and several candids from the ceremony itself.  Families will be able to order a variety of packages through her website,  Bridget has order forms in the Main Office for those who would like to order ahead of the graduation ceremony.  We will also send out information after the ceremony, letting families know how to view photos and order through her website.
Phew–that’s it for now, I think!  Look for more information to come your way closer to graduation and be in touch as questions come up in preparation for this big event.