Dear Ospreys,
Animas High School is, in many ways, a nontraditional learning environment and as such, regular attendance is a particularly important factor in supporting student success. Project-based learning means that students are engaged in activities during class time that are often difficult to make up if they are absent. As such, we want to share our updated attendance policy with you and remind you of the procedures we have in place that support students and families when students miss class.
- In the event of an unplanned absence (i.e., illness or emergency), a parent/guardian must call Bridget Stowers in the main office or email [email protected]. If the school does not receive a call from a parent/guardian, the absence will be marked in Infinite Campus as unexcused.
- For any absence that is known ahead of time, students must complete a Pre-Excused Absence Form, have it signed by all teachers and a parent/guardian and then turn it in to Bridget in the main office.
- When students need to leave school during the school day, we need a note, email or a phone call from a parent/guardian when a student is driving him/herself. For students who are not driving, parents must please come into the main office to sign the student out.
- If a student will be late for school, we need a call, email or note from a parent/guardian for the tardy to be excused.
- Students must check in at the main office before going to class when they arrive late to school or they return from a midday appointment.
- Unexcused tardies will be recorded and three tardies in any one class becomes an unexcused absence.
- Unexcused absences negatively impact students’ grades, as they receive a “0” on any work done in class on the day they miss.
- XBlock attendance is mandatory to receive credit for the class. If a student attends less than 70% of XBlock classes in a quarter, whether absences are excused or unexcused, s/he will need to repeat the course in the senior year.
Our newly refined attendance policy, which you can read in full on page 23-25 of the Student and Family Handbook, increases the communication and consequences for excessive absences. Please look it over. We encourage parents to check in on student attendance and grades via Infinite Campus regularly so that we are all working together to support students being in class, where the learning is happening.
In any situation where a student misses class, it is his/her responsibility to check in with teachers to find out what s/he missed. All faculty emails and digital portfolios (DPs) can be accessed on this page of the AHS website. Teachers have regular office hours posted on their DPs and are here to help. Good communication is key, and we emphasize the importance of advocacy with our students to ensure that they are getting the support they need.
The bottom line is that at Animas we want students to engage fully in their learning so they can get the most out of their high school education. We appreciate the support from home that sets them up for success on this front. As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns and I’ll be happy to address them.
All best,