Hello Osprey Students and Families,
Next Tuesday, April 9, we will be administering the Colorado PSAT8/9, PSAT10 and SAT to all 9th, 10th and 11th graders, respectively. There will be no classes in session and students will have early release once they have completed testing. Seniors have the day off to work on Senior Project TED Talks and Action Projects at home.
Here are some important reminders:
Arrive to School by 8:25
- arrive well rested and fed with a plan to do something healthy after testing is complete
- all students will check in with Kyle or Libby at tables by the entrance to each building to learn where to go for testing
- students who arrive after testing has begun will be sent home and will need to test on the make-up date, April 23
What to Bring
- battery-operated calculator with new/extra batteries for the math section (see approved list here)–we will have a limited number of calculators to loan out; students can complete the test without using a calculator
- #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils allowed)
Cell Phones
- phones must be powered off and collected for the entire duration of testing; if a cell phone rings during testing it may invalidate scores for all students in the room–please consider leaving cell phones at home or in cars when possible
- there will be no catered lunch available as students without extended time will finish testing by 12:30
- snacks will be available in the hall before the test and during breaks, thanks to parents who are providing them; please bring snacks to the main office by the end of day on Monday if you have signed up to provide them–we could still use some more folks to sign up for pretzels, veggies and yogurt squeezes– sign up here
- no eating in the testing rooms
- a water bottle that can be kept on the floor
Breaks during Testing
- students may use the bathroom or leave rooms to get a snack/drink but must be absolutely silent
- hallways will be monitored
- students may not read or access phones during testing even if they finish a section early
Early Release
All students will be released when their testing ends
- the PSAT 8/9 is 2 hours 35 minutes long; 9th graders will be released by 11:30
- the PSAT10 is 2 hours 55 minutes long; 10th graders will be released by 12:00
- the SAT is 3 hours 15 minutes long; 11th graders taking SAT without essay will be released by 12:30
- 11th graders who have elected to take the SAT with essay will be released by 1:30
- students with extended time will be released later than 12:30
- the Hub Bus will run at its regular time
- students will be asked to be outside the buildings once they finish testing so that the halls remain quiet
- we will provide supervision for students who stay until 3:40
- Bridget will be proctoring and therefore not available to answer phone calls during testing
- contact Libby in case of emergency by email or voicemail; she will be monitoring hallways and able to check both
Opting Out
- students opting out must provide letter/email from parent/guardian to Libby before Tuesday morning
We recognize that PSAT/SAT testing can cause stress, as SAT scores may play an important role in college admissions for some students. That said, we know that our students are prepared and are far more than test scores. Please find that balance between taking the tests seriously to show your best work while not letting them define you!